
Wondering Where I Have Been?

Howdy everyone!! I am here just to let everyone know that I lost my blog by deleting it about a week and a half ago. It surely has been a nightmare for me. I left Weebly after I deleted it and started with WordPress and it has had its learning curves. It’s going to be some slow posting, that’s for sure and I hope you will all be patient with me, and still look out for a few new patterns I will be releasing soon.

I have 2 cardigan patterns & one crop-top granny flower pattern I’m in the process of, writing up. One is a girl’s cardigan, one a boy’s cardigan and the other is 2 versions of a crop top pullover. I am excited about these. After all, I couldn’t bring myself to do anything crochet (or anything else for that matter) because I was in a deep depression for a couple of years. I couldn’t get out. Now, that I am out, I find babysitting for my grandchildren monopolizes my time. Summer is coming, so I am off for a couple of months. I’m so grateful to have the summer off.

Hello, My name is SheriAnn. I am a crochet designer and all around crafter. I dabble in a little bit of everything, but crochet is my passion. I love the idea of turning string into something beautiful. I am a Gamma to four grandchildren, two boys and two girls. I make everything for them. They are my muse. My youngest granddaughter is showing an interest in crocheting, but she is only 3. Maybe next year I can teach her. i have given her her own set of hooks, some yarn and a backpack to hold it all like mine. She sits next to me and tried to "work" like I do. I would love to watch her grow and learn this skill. I suffer from depression and ADHD. It is hard sometimes to keep myself from having such negative thoughts about life. I love my life with my kids and grandkids and sometimes I just can't keep the dark place at bay.